We are eager to engage locally and globally. We believe our mission is to urgently engage our world with the Good News of Christ, seeing the needs, praying with compassion, and going as the Lord sends us into Knoxville and to the ends of the earth. Therefore, we are committed to praying, supporting, sending, and going missionally.
While our emphasis for the World Missions Offering occurs each December, some of us have discovered we can give more to missions through multiple gifts through the year. We call our “through-the-year” givers the Missions Club. Whether you give annually, monthly, quarterly, or at other intervals through the year, your faithful giving to missions is a blessing to our missionaries and to those whom they are reaching. Just indicate on an envelope or your check that you are giving to the World Missions Offering so we'll know to separate this from your offering to the regular church budget.
Prefer online giving? Just use the button found below. Scroll down to read our Report to the Church and learn how your World Missions Offering works to spread the gospel by supporting our missionaries. And to give to the regular church budget, just visit the "Giving" page.
•Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions: $3,842.77
•Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions: $3,842.77
•Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions: $1,863.16
Our World Missions Offering supports the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that funds work done by thousands of international missionaries.
Our World Missions Offering also sends money to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, helping the North American Mission Board spread and encourage churches in the US and Canada.
Our World Missions Offering also puts money to work right here in Tennessee by sending money to the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions.